Opps, I did it again!

So, the BB experience is finally coming to an end… and yes, my denoument (a noun especially for Andy) said it all.

Over the past few weeks, I thought I was in control of the emotions that can and do drive me to act in a surprising and sometimes, shocking manner, but oh no… Opps I did it again! Do I feel bad? No I don’t! Sometimes you just have to let things out and suffer the consequences… and let’s face it, I’m sure this gave the required amunition for all the hardcore armchair psychologist to feast upon.

As I said, this is the day of the grand finale and someone will become the BB 2016 winner. Who would I like to see as the final two standing? I really hope it’s Hughie and Jayne. Both are beautiful, warm hearted and bloody funny. I feel blessed that I’ve had the privilege to meet, live and share some amazing times with so many wonderful people.

Good luck guys… X



Let’s drink to that…

IN BRIEF ~ The Final part

Boy remains in the house, girl leaves….

It’s been great meeting up with the other evictee’s ~ a chance for us to discuss and reflect upon not only our own experiences whilst inside and out of the BB house, but also that of one anothers. Being able to talk openly and say how we truly feel has, in my opinion, strengthened the bond between us, and for me personally… made me feel stronger.

The question I have to ask myself is ~ am I the glass is half empty or half full type of girl?  It’s so easy to be caught up in all the negative hype, resulting in fighting back, defending,  questioning, despising, and even retreating, but with the help and support of some pretty amazing people, I’m learning not to hold on, but to let go of the negativity.





I’ve got your back…

IN BRIEF ~ Part three

Girl still battling with emotions, boy..’I’ve got your back’, girl misinterpreting his words, boy ‘just friends’, girl confused and tearful, boy needs her out of the house, girl pulled in to gossip, boy now has ammunition, girl seen as bad, boy seen as a victim, girl goes into complete emotional breakdown, boy goes in for the kill and nominates girl, boy and girl both up for eviction, boy  unable to accept is furious. Girl receives bad chants and boos, boy receives cheers, girl shows signs of anxiety, boy smiles, girl evicted, boy one step closer… Part four in next blog.


And todays lesson is:  where does the saying ‘I’ve got your back’ come from and what does it actually mean?


Answers: After a little research and asking the above questions, some pretty interesting facts started to emerge. The consensus seem to be that the saying came from a method of combat whilst on the battle fields. Warriors and soldiers would support and protect one another by standing back to back whilst in battle, covering each others blind spots so they could each focus on what was in front of them, defeating the enemy and ultimately winning the war.

Apart from our brave soldiers and other members of our armed forces, chances are we will never have to physically fight on a battle field, relying on someone to say ‘I’ve got your back’. But… now let’s think about this idiom as a metaphor. One that has been adapted to our modern day living and can be used in the same vein as it was originally intended, to protect and support regardless of the situation. In other words it saying ~ when you’re in danger, I will look out for you, always be there for you, back you up so you’re not alone. Even President Obama used this saying in one of his speeches whilst talking about the relationship between America and Australia “we have got each other’s backs”, “which means we always look out for and support each other”.

I’m going to end this blog with two great examples of whats been discussed in this blog… Maybe the lesson learnt here today is ~ Think about the words you use and how others could interpret them.

Thank you once again for reading my blog x


Got your back
When someone has your back, they are there to support you unconditionally. When life seems to blindside you with undesirable events, they’re there for you without complaint, supporting you in your moment of need, not for their own selfish, self gratifying reasons, but because your well being to them is foremost in their mind and heart. 
Someone that has your back recognises the goodness, even the greatness in you, especially during the moments you’re not willing or able to see it. Simply stated, when someone has your back, your life is greatly enhanced. (a comment from /urban Dictionary)
Say it as it is.
Obviously most of the people who answered are civilians. I am a soldier serving my country in Iraq. When my soldiers say “I got your back” it means they are willing to die for that person. There was a rocket attack here months ago. We were taking in direct fire. I stepped outside of my room in a pair of shorts and socks. I ran towards the location of the fire not concerned for my life or welfare, but to help out my fellow soldiers fighting for their county.
Do me a favour- If you tell your friends, you got their back. Mean it… (a comment from Yahoo Answers) 

Feeling Judged

IN BRIEF ~ Part two:

Girl discovers she’s not in the main house, she’s an ‘other’, Boy enters the main house. Girl is told Ex is in the main house, boy talks excessively about what he would do if his ex came into the house, girl declares her love for boy, boy tries to act shocked. Girl enters the house, boy constantly watching cameras, girl feels real rejection, boy sending confusing messages, girl can’t control her emotions, boy saying his experience is ruined, girl feeling guilty and abandoned, girl hears some very sad news from outside the house, HM’s help girl to cope with the news, boy speaking about how bad the girl is all the time, girl feeling bad about herself all the time, girl battling her own negative thoughts and behaviour… Part three in next blog.

I have been totally over-whelmed by the amount of beautiful and inspiring comments people have sent me, each one is truly appreciated. Unfortunately, I have also received many negative and hurtful comments… My response to those who felt compelled to write such negative material about me is ~  I must have stirred something within you, I wonder what?  Alas, only you have the answer, search deep and you may just find it.

The following is a blog my Mum wrote whilst I was in the BB house, I think it pretty much sums up what Im trying to say

To Judge or to be Judged

July 1, 2016

 There are times in everyones lives when they have felt the negativity of being judged…. I suppose its just part of being a human in this modern, mixed-up, crazy world we live in. Talking of crazy, the reason Ive decided to write this blog is because my daughter is in the TV show, Big Brother. Before entering the house we spoke about the impact this would have, not only on her, but also on her friends and family, but nothing really prepares us, the family, from the onslaught and damnation of the viewing public and media.

When entering such a show, the housemates have the knowledge and expectations of being judged, criticised and analysed, sometimes very harshly.

Compelling:  Captivating, Absorbing, Addictive, Gripping

 Now, lets be honest…. The Big Brother house is not too dissimilar to a zoo. People are placed into an environment designed to be as natural as possible, but it isn’t… it’s totally false. The viewing public, aka armchair psychologists, along with the media are able to watch, judge and pull apart every housemates move, reaction and behaviour, especially when lead by one of BB’s (let’s put the cat among the pigeons) tasks. We are observing the extreme tolerance levels of human behaviour when placed in such an environment, under stress and pressure, igniting uncontrollable emotions: anger ~ jealousy ~ paranoia ~ frustration ~ guilt ~ lust, the list goes on. 

 Why do people feel the need to judge others? 

Sometimes we may find whilst watching certain events happening in the BB house, an uncomfortable feeling, or unacceptable thought/desire, begins to surface, but you don’t know why. These feelings can come from our unconscious, and are normally unwanted and unwelcome… but they are present, and can have a physical and/or mental affect on our behaviour when watching or discussing these events. This is when we start to judge, but why?
It could be we see something in a housemate which we don’t like about ourself, or maybe something is said or done which can trigger an unwanted emotion deep inside giving the feeling of being vulnerable.

 For example… If a housemate is displaying signs of narcissism or being passive aggressive, this could trigger negative emotions or flashbacks, resulting from a past trauma, abuse or humiliation… which the viewer may find totally unbearable. So, to make the unbearable, bearable they hide behind a well-tuned and often over-used Defence Mechanism to protect ourselves ~ Humour, denial, projection, displacement, repression etc. usually the negative emotions are vented out through social media to a worldwide audience when linked to reality TV. 

How to survive negativity and judgement?

 Sadly, Judgement can stay with us for an entire lifetime… the feeling of being bad, stupid, ugly or worthless, could come from childhood and go through to old age! The negativity can sit so deep for so long, zapping our energy, lowering self-esteem and feeding any insecurities. But we can survive negative judgement by identifying our own issues and not holding on to someone else’s, easier said than done, I hear you say… but over time it can be accomplished.

 When judging or feeling judged try to identify your own issues by exploring what is actually going on inside for you. 

  • What are you feeling and why?

  • Have you had these feelings before?

  • Is there a pattern, if so, is there a trigger?

  • Do these feelings control your behaviour?

  • What impact has it had on your life?


When I read the cruel and very harsh comments made against my daughter, I can’t help but feel sad, useless and want to protect her. I know she’s the person who put herself in the firing line, but it’s still very difficult for me. 

Therefore, to preserve my sanity… I have to try to look beyond the harsh words, remind myself these are not my issues, they belong to someone else and most importantly, not to hold on to the negativity, but instead, to let go. When it comes to my daughter, will I ever be able to watch or read with my professional head on? No, I don’t think so, but… I am able to separate and not hold on to the projected negativity flooding social media regarding this years show. 


Thanks Mum… xxx


I can only imagine what I must have looked like and how my situation could divide people’s thoughts and perception of me, but at least I can say, without doubt… I was real. But, you must remember, you’re only seeing 1 hour in 24, and they only broadcast the ‘juicy bits’.

Finally… after reading some of the comments from my previous blog, I would like to take this opportunity to say how privileged I felt that you were able to share your personal experiences with me, proving just how brave and strong you ladies really are. Thank you x

I look forward to reading your comments…

Charlie’s BB Angels


IN BRIEF  ~ Part One:    

Boy meets girl, boy lusts over girl, girl not interested, boy chases girl, girl says ok. girl doesn’t really feel loved, boy smoothers girl with material objects, girl treats boy badly, boy starts turns compliments into criticism, girl feels inadequate, boy becomes controlling, girl feels confused, boy ends relationship, girls is devastated. Girl auditions for a TV reality show, boy knows, girl wins a place on the show, boy enters the show too… Part two in next blog.

O.K… it was pretty obvious for all to see ‘that the heart prevailed over the head’, a battle I was never going to win, no matter how hard I fought. If you’ve ever been in this predicament, you’ll hopefully understand where I’m coming from. My Mum a psychotherapist explained; Emotional turmoil not only causes confusion, anxiety and sleepless nights, but can also make you feel physically sick and totally exhausted. Leaving zero energy to do the most simplistic of tasks or make any logical decisions. Sometimes when the pain is so strong, you may throw yourself on the mercy of the person that once gave you comfort, using them like a ‘pain killer’, even though you know your actions are WRONG and will only intensify the pain even more! It’s a vicious cycle of negative thoughts driving and controlling unwanted behaviour patterns, over and over again.

Since leaving the Big Brother (BB) house on Friday evening, Ive been inundated with tweets, messages and requests from people who have either been in similar situations or those who empathised with my emotional torment and battle whilst inside the BB house. I would like to turn the negative into a positive by sharing and hopefully supporting others through their own battles of tormented love.

Stay strong…  ‘A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water’                                              Eleanor Roosevelt.

I look forward  to reading your comments.