IN BRIEF  ~ Part One:    

Boy meets girl, boy lusts over girl, girl not interested, boy chases girl, girl says ok. girl doesn’t really feel loved, boy smoothers girl with material objects, girl treats boy badly, boy starts turns compliments into criticism, girl feels inadequate, boy becomes controlling, girl feels confused, boy ends relationship, girls is devastated. Girl auditions for a TV reality show, boy knows, girl wins a place on the show, boy enters the show too… Part two in next blog.

O.K… it was pretty obvious for all to see ‘that the heart prevailed over the head’, a battle I was never going to win, no matter how hard I fought. If you’ve ever been in this predicament, you’ll hopefully understand where I’m coming from. My Mum a psychotherapist explained; Emotional turmoil not only causes confusion, anxiety and sleepless nights, but can also make you feel physically sick and totally exhausted. Leaving zero energy to do the most simplistic of tasks or make any logical decisions. Sometimes when the pain is so strong, you may throw yourself on the mercy of the person that once gave you comfort, using them like a ‘pain killer’, even though you know your actions are WRONG and will only intensify the pain even more! It’s a vicious cycle of negative thoughts driving and controlling unwanted behaviour patterns, over and over again.

Since leaving the Big Brother (BB) house on Friday evening, Ive been inundated with tweets, messages and requests from people who have either been in similar situations or those who empathised with my emotional torment and battle whilst inside the BB house. I would like to turn the negative into a positive by sharing and hopefully supporting others through their own battles of tormented love.

Stay strong…  ‘A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water’                                              Eleanor Roosevelt.

I look forward  to reading your comments.